贵州财经大学学报 ›› 2021 ›› Issue (03): 83-93.

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  1. 四川师范大学 经济与管理学院, 四川 成都 610101
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-18 出版日期:2021-05-15 发布日期:2021-05-17
  • 作者简介:史敦友(1986-),男,河南光山人,四川师范大学经济与管理学院博士,讲师,研究方向为区域经济、资源环境经济。
  • 基金资助:

Heterogeneous Environmental Regulation, Technological Innovation and Industrial Greening in China

SHI Dun-you   

  1. School of Economics and Management, Sichuan Normal University, Sichuan, Chengdu 610101, China
  • Received:2021-01-18 Online:2021-05-15 Published:2021-05-17

摘要: 基于中介效应模型和2007~2016年中国省际面板数据,构建异质性环境规制、技术创新与工业绿色化的作用机理理论分析框架,并通过构建异质性环境规制指标体系和工业绿色化指标体系将异质性环境规制与技术创新驱动工业绿色化的作用机理进行实证检验。研究发现:行政型环境规制对工业绿色化起抑制作用,不存在技术创新中介效应;市场型环境规制对工业绿色化的影响存在部分中介效应,可通过技术创新"挤出效应"抑制工业绿色化;公众型环境规制与工业绿色化关系只有中介效应,且公众型环境规制通过技术创新"激励效应"促进工业绿色化;异质性环境规制驱动工业绿色化的技术创新中介效应的研究结论经稳健性检验依然不变。研究认为:在推进异质性环境规制驱动工业绿色化过程中,应充分利用公众型环境规制驱动技术创新"激励效应",同时应有效规避市场型环境规制驱动技术创新"挤出效应"。

关键词: 异质性环境规制, 技术创新, 工业绿色化, 中介效应

Abstract: Based on the mediating effect model and provincial panel data from 2007 to 2016, this paper builds a theoretical analysis framework of the mechanism of heterogeneous environmental regulation, technological innovation and industrial greening and the index system of heterogeneous environmental regulation and industrial greening, in order to empirically test the mechanism of heterogeneous environmental regulation and technological innovation driving industrial greening. The results show that administrative environmental regulation has an inhibitory effect on industrial greening, and there is no mediating effect of technological innovation, that there are a partial mediating effect of market-based environmental regulation on industrial greening, which can be restrained by "crowding out effect" of technological innovation, that the relationship between public environmental regulation and industrial greening is a sole mediating effect, and public environmental regulation can promote industrial greening through the "incentive effect" of technological innovation, that the conclusion that the mediating effect of technological innovation driven by heterogeneous environmental regulation on industrial greening remains unchanged after the robustness test.

Key words: heterogeneous environmental regulation, technological innovation, industrial greening, mediating effect
