贵州财经大学学报 ›› 2022 ›› Issue (01): 75-88.

• 贫困与发展· 乡村振兴 • 上一篇    下一篇

父母相对剥夺感与子女教育机会: 来自CFPS的证据


  1. 重庆工商大学经济学院、长江上游经济研究中心, 重庆 400067
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-08 出版日期:2022-01-15 发布日期:2022-02-23
  • 作者简介:张杰(1991—), 男, 湖北十堰人, 经济学博士, 重庆工商大学经济学院、重庆工商大学长江上游经济研究中心讲师, 研究方向为收入分配、发展经济学

Relative Deprivation of Parents and Educational Opportunities for Children: Evidence from CFPS

ZHANG Jie   

  1. School of Economics, Research Center for Economy of Upper Reaches of The Yangtse River, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Nanan, Chongqing 400067, China
  • Received:2021-03-08 Online:2022-01-15 Published:2022-02-23

摘要: 教育是实现阶层流动的可行途径, 教育机会的分布与父母的相对收入水平紧密相关。利用2010~2016年的CFPS调查数据, 考察父母相对剥夺感对子女教育机会的影响效应。研究表明: (1)父母相对剥夺感对子女教育机会存在显著的抑制作用; 此外, 父母的年龄、户口、教育、婚姻状态、健康状态, 孩子的年龄、户口, 及家庭的教育支出、家庭规模等因素均对子女教育机会有显著影响。(2)区分父母户籍后来看, 农村户籍的父母相对剥夺感对子女教育机会的作用显著为负, 非农户籍的作用则不明显。(3)依据子女性别分样本的回归结果表明, 相较于女孩, 父母相对剥夺感对男孩的影响效应略大。(4)纵观子女学龄阶段, 父母相对剥夺感对子女教育机会的影响随子女学龄阶段的增长呈显著"U"型特征, 具体表现为: 学前教育阶段<高等教育阶段<高中教育阶段, 在义务教育阶段并不显著。进一步利用PSM方法, 在考虑了选择偏差后, 结论依旧稳健。

关键词: 父母相对剥夺感, 教育机会, 分层logit模型

Abstract: Education is a feasible way to achieve class mobility, and the distribution of educational opportunities is closely related to the relative income level of parents. This article uses the China Family Panel Studies survey data from 2010 to 2016 to examine the effect of parents'relative deprivation on their children's educational opportunities. The research shows that: (1) Parents' relative deprivation has a significant inhibitory effect on their children's educational opportunities; In addition, parents' age, hukou, education, marital status, health status, children's age, hukou, and family education expenditure, family size and other factors all have a significant impact on children's educational attainment; (2) By distinguishing parents' hukou, we find that the parents' relative deprivation on children's educational attainment is significantly negative only when their hukou status is rural, and not significant under the status of non-agricultural hukou; (3) The regression results based on the child's gender sub-sample show that compared with girls, parents'relative deprivation has a slightly greater effect on boys; (4) In terms of children's school age, the effect of parents' relative deprivation on children's educational attainment has a significant "U-shape" as the children's age increases; the impact of parents' relative deprivation on their children's educational attainment is as follows: pre-school stage <higher education stage <high school stage; but not significant in the compulsory stage. Further, use of the PSM method, after considering the selection bias, the conclusion is still robust. Based on these, the corresponding policy implications are given.

Key words: the parents' relative deprivation, educational attainment, hierarchical logit model
