贵州财经大学学报 ›› 2023 ›› Issue (01): 70-80.

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  1. 吉林财经大学 税务学院, 吉林 长春 130117;重庆市国际税收研究会, 重庆 401121;重庆发展投资有限公司, 重庆 401121
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-09 出版日期:2023-01-15 发布日期:2023-01-18
  • 作者简介:周志波(1985—),男,管理学博士,重庆发展投资有限公司研究员、吉林财经大学兼职教授、重庆市国际税收研究会兼职研究员,主要研究方向为财政社会学、制度经济学。
  • 基金资助:

Experimental Economics Study on Regulation of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution by Environmental Tax-Based on the Samples of 8 Townships in Beibei and Hechuan District of Chongqing

ZHOU Zhi-bo   

  1. School of Taxation, Jilin University of Finance and Economics, Changchun, Jilin 130117, China;Chongqing International Taxation Research Institute Chongqing 401121 China;Chongqing Development Investment Co., Ltd. Chongqing 401121 China
  • Received:2022-05-09 Online:2023-01-15 Published:2023-01-18

摘要: 通过建立农业面源污染经济规制理论框架,以无任何规制的情境为基准,比较研究要素型环境税、总量型环境税、总量型环境税/补贴、产出型环境税及集体罚款机制规制农业面源污染的有效性。利用实验经济学方法检验五种规制机制与无规制情境下,农业面源污染者与规制者的博弈行为,并基于效率性和稳定性方面的差异,对五种规制机制进行优先级排序。研究发现:环境税规制农业面源污染具有可行性和有效性;要素型环境税、总量型环境税和产出型环境税优于污染总量型环境税/补贴和集体罚款机制,要素型环境税和产出型环境税之间没有显著差异,且二者显著优于总量型环境税机制,而集体罚款机制优于污染总量型环境税/补贴机制;集体罚款与污染总量型环境税/补贴机制与无规制情境之间无法进行比较,前两者虽然规制效率高于无规制情境,但规制稳定性很差。

关键词: 环境税, 农业面源污染, 环境规制, 实验经济学, 比较研究

Abstract: By establishing the theoretical framework of economic regulation of agricultural non-point source pollution, and taking the situation without any regulation as the benchmark, the effectiveness of factor based environmental tax, total amount based environmental tax, total amount based environmental tax/subsidy, output based environmental tax and collective penalty mechanism in regulating agricultural non-point source pollution is compared. The game behaviors of agricultural non-point source polluters and regulators under five regulatory mechanisms and unregulated situations are tested by using experimental economics methods, and the five regulatory mechanisms are prioritized based on the differences in efficiency and stability. It is found that environmental tax regulation of agricultural non-point source pollution is feasible and effective; Factor based environmental tax, total amount based environmental tax and output based environmental tax are superior to total pollution based environmental tax/subsidy and collective fine mechanism. There is no significant difference between factor based environmental tax and output based environmental tax, and they are significantly superior to total amount based environmental tax mechanism, while the collective fine mechanism is superior to total pollution based environmental tax/subsidy mechanism; There is no comparison between the collective fine and pollution gross environmental tax/subsidy mechanism and the unregulated situation. Although the regulatory efficiency of the former two is higher than that of the unregulated situation, the regulatory stability is poor.

Key words: environmental tax, agricultural non-point source pollution, environmental regulation, experimental economics, comparative study
