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    15 March 2018, Issue 02 () Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Monetary Wage Growth, Efficiency Hollowness and Complex Inflation-An Empirical Study Based on Provincial Panel Data of China in 2000-2015
    WU Hai-min
    2018 (02):  1-12. 
    Abstract ( 492 )   PDF (1618KB) ( 1126 )  
    This article researches the formation mechanism of China's inflation first time from the combined perspective of monetary wage growth and efficiency hollowness, then empirically analyzes that how structural growth gap between wage and productivity plays its role and influences China's inflation by use of panel data from China's 30 provinces and cities in 2000-2015.The results show that growth gap between wage and productivity not only makes China's manufacturing costs more and more expensive on the micro level, but also leads economy to inflation at the macro level. This gap has significantly stronger influence on inflation in 2008-2015 than in 2000-2007, and stronger impact on the eastern and western regions than the central region. It show that influence from growth gap between wage and productivity has obvious difference in the dimension of time, and also has significant geographical difference. Along with other factors, it has become an important promoter of Chinese complex inflation.
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    The Housing Perspective and Settlement Intentions of New Migrants in The Cities
    MAO Feng-fu, ZHU Shu-qi, BAI Yun-hao
    2018 (02):  13-24. 
    Abstract ( 467 )   PDF (1391KB) ( 1050 )  
    In recent years, in the reality of urban and rural dual system and housing prices continue to rise, immigrants cannot achieve the exchange from the "sojourn" to "live". This paper establishes the basic analysis framework of urban new immigrants' willingness to settle, and divides the relevant influencing factors into two basic categories:basic factors and housing characteristic factors, focusing on the relationship between housing and willingness to settle. Based on the questionnaire survey data of Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Dalian and Xi'an in 2014, the paper uses the probit model to discuss the comprehensive situation of the living status of new immigrants and the comprehensive effect of housing characteristics on their willingness to settle. It is found that the housing characteristics have great effect to new immigrants. Other factors such as the individual characteristics, human capital, economic welfare and social capital of the settled cities have different degrees of influence on the settlement of new immigrants.
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    Urbanization, fertility policy and income gap Empirical research based on Provincial Panel Data in China
    LI Hui, YANG De-cai
    2018 (02):  25-37. 
    Abstract ( 512 )   PDF (1386KB) ( 1147 )  
    From the endogenous growth and fertility selection perspective,we discussed how urbanization, fertility and human capital affected the income gap between urban and rural areas. And using the empirical model we examined the related deduction. We found that:(1)promoting the urbanization process helps to narrow the urban-rural income gap; increasing the fertility rate will hinder income growth; the higher the fertility rate, the greater the income gap between urban and rural areas; the fertility policy raised the significant of fertility onto income gap between urban and rural areas;(2) the greater the urban and rural fertility rate gap, the smaller the effect of fertility rate gap onto income gap between urban and rural; the greater the per capita human capital gap, the greater the effect of per capita human capital onto income gap between urban and rural; the higher the level of area, the smaller the effect of city level onto urban-rural income gap.
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    Seller's Corporate Social Responsibility and Buyer's Corporate Value: Buyer's Corporate Social Responsibility as a Mediator
    XU Shi-wei, CHEN De-mian, QIAO Ming-zhe
    2018 (02):  38-45. 
    Abstract ( 502 )   PDF (1020KB) ( 1020 )  
    Linking both sides of the M&A event, setting up main variables such as CSR, corporation value, having empirical tests to check the relationships such as between seller's CSR before M&A and buyer's CSR after M&A, between buyer's CSR after M&A and its corporation value, between seller's CSR before M&A and buyer's Corporation Value after M&A, results show that the relationships between everyone of the 3 pairs above-mentioned are significant positive correlation, furthermore, also find that in the relationship between seller's CSR before M&A and buyer's Corporation Value after M&A, buyer's CSR after M&A palys a mediation role.
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    Research on Destructive Leadership and its Effects on Employees' Intentions to Quit
    MA Yue-ru, YU Hang-hai, XIA Bing
    2018 (02):  46-53. 
    Abstract ( 579 )   PDF (898KB) ( 1104 )  
    Negative and negative leadership behavior influences the whole organization's operation process and results deeply.This paper hopes to start from the definition of the concept of destructive leadership and boundary effects of it on staff turnover intention, with the help of social exchange theory and affective events theory, selection of emotional exhaustion and cynicism as intermediary variables and team psychological safety, proactive personality as a moderator, to explore the destructive leadership of employee attitude and behavior, especially the impact of turnover intention. The results show that the destructive leadership on individual level behavior and psychological aspects of perception have a significant positive effect, the psychological perception and attitudes will directly affect the employees in the enterprise the ultimate behavior and attitude, and emotional exhaustion and cynicism between destructive leadership and employee turnover intention has a significant intermediary role however, team psychological safety between destructive leadership and employee turnover intention has negative moderating effect.
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    Research on Evaluation of Postgraduate Innovation Ability Based on Extenics under Quality Education
    LIU Lei, ZHAN Yi-hong, HUANG Ying-hui
    2018 (02):  54-59. 
    Abstract ( 432 )   PDF (727KB) ( 1006 )  
    The matter-element extension model is used to expand the traditional evaluation index system and increase the index of postgraduate social practice ability. The comparative analysis of the postgraduates' competency of representative universities in the middle, east and west regions of our country shows that the two aspects of the flexible use of innovative knowledge and the ability to innovate practice can most reflect the quality education characteristics of the graduate students' innovative ability. This paper provides a theoretical basis for the cultivation of innovative quality of graduates and the improvement of their innovative abilities, which is of great guiding significance for shortening the regional gap in the creative ability of postgraduates in China.
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    Corporate social responsibility performance, R&D investment and financial performance-Based on the data of listed companies in China
    CUI Ye-guang, LI Bo
    2018 (02):  60-69. 
    Abstract ( 601 )   PDF (1319KB) ( 1075 )  
    Under the "new normal" economy, the corporate social responsibility has become one of the important factors in the competition. However, it is a problem that whether the corporate social responsibility can effectively promote the improvement of financial performance and the realization of enterprise value. This article selects listed companies in our country and the years from 2010 to 2015, a total of 3181 data sample. This paper studies the relationship between corporate social responsibility performance, R&D investment and financial performance under different mechanisms. The results show that:(1) The relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance is positively related;(2) Different mechanisms do not change the positive correlation between corporate social responsibility and financial performance;(3) The investment in technological innovation enhances the positive impact of corporate social responsibility on corporate financial performance. However, this result is mainly based on R&D investment and the implementation of the strategic social responsibility to maintain a consistent positive effect on Corporate Performance. However, R&D investment has no significant effect on altruistic social responsibility and financial performance.
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    China online education industry present situation and development of research-Based on the “Internet plus” perspective
    HE Deng-yi
    2018 (02):  70-77. 
    Abstract ( 492 )   PDF (1325KB) ( 955 )  
    In the past "12th Five-Year Plan" period, the rapid development of online education, making education resources more diverse, more equitable distribution. The rapid growth of China's online education industry, the numbers of listed companies with the concept of online education become more and more. This paper is based on "Internet plus" perspective, take the China listed companies of online education as a sample, and apply growth valuation model to study the growth prospects of China online education industry. The study found that in the value of China online education listed companies, the value of the growth opportunity is very high, so the China's online education industry will continue to keep rapid growth in the future.
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    The Effect of Private Benefits of Control on the Balance of Ambidextrous Innovation: the Adjustment of the behavior Corporate Governance
    GU Qun, LI Min, ZHENG Yang
    2018 (02):  78-85. 
    Abstract ( 463 )   PDF (859KB) ( 933 )  
    As one of the subjects of corporate governance, The private benefits of control have important influence on the balance of ambidextrous innovation. Taking private listed high-tech enterprises in Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2008 to 2014 as samples, this paper analyzes the impact of private benefits of control on the balance of ambidextrous innovation. The corporate governance plays a significant moderating role. This study finds out that private benefits of control has a negative significant effect on balance of ambidextrous innovation. female executives participation has a stronger impact on R&D investment. Corporate governance will weaken the negative effect of private benefits of control and the balance of ambidextrous innovation.
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    On the relationship between the new urbanization and the development of rural economy-based on 2006-2015-year panel data
    TIAN Li
    2018 (02):  86-97. 
    Abstract ( 413 )   PDF (2203KB) ( 1063 )  
    under the requirements of sustainable economic development, the coordinated development of urban and rural integration has become a new direction of urbanization development, and the process of urbanization has also evolved from traditional urbanization to new urbanization. Reviewing the history of urbanization in China, we find that the urbanization rate of household registration in China is far lower than that of permanent residents. However, under the new urbanization, household registration population urbanization began to accelerate in 2014. In this paper, from 2006 to 2015 China's urbanization rate and rural residents per capita disposable income based on the panel data, panel data analysis shows that:from the dismantling of per capita disposable income of rural residents in the perspective of urbanization is conducive to improving the rural per capita income, so as to promote the development of rural economy, and raise the level of urbanization has a tail effect of rural per capita income increase, the urbanization level is higher, continue to promote the urbanization of rural per capita income increase effect is stronger.
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    Pricing and green degree decisions of green differentiated products
    LIU Jian, ZHOU Hui
    2018 (02):  98-110. 
    Abstract ( 465 )   PDF (2330KB) ( 1014 )  
    Taking consumers' environmental awareness and greening production technology into consideration, pricing mechanisms and green degree decisions of green differentiated products were discussed in the context of a covered duopoly market. Based on game theory, the influence of manufacturers' action order, consumers' environmental awareness and greening production technology on the green degree, prices, market shares and profits were analyzed. The result shows that, it is dominant for lower green manufacturer to act first, higher green manufacturer to act simultaneous. When lower green manufacturer moves first, the whole green level is highest and the ratio of price to green degree is lower, which is the best to government and consumers. With the enhancement of consumers' environmental awareness and the reduction of the greening cost, the product green degree and the difference between the two products, the price of the two products and the profit of the two manufacturers have increased.
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