Journal of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics ›› 2021 ›› Issue (05): 1-7.

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How Impoverished Counties Removed from The Poverty List-The Central-Local Relations and Promotion Incentives in Poverty Alleviation

WANG San-gui, ZHONG Yu   

  1. School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development/China Anti-Poverty Research Institute, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Received:2021-04-25 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-09-23

Abstract: A brand new type of Central-Local relations and cadre promotion incentives model has played a significant role in the battle of targeted poverty alleviation,especially in the process of removing from poverty list for 832 impoverished counties. The central government delegated the authority of approve projects to counties, and gave impoverished counties rights to allocate and use financial transfer payments, which resolved the fiscal mismatch between "financial power" and "expenditure responsibility". A special cadre management method maintaining the stability of the main leaders of impoverished counties,and withdraw the leaders from the regular political tournament and enter a "poverty alleviation qualifying competition" with the goal of removing from the impoverished counties list. In this qualify, the central government mobilized the enthusiasm of officials and improved the efficiency of governance by tying the poverty alleviation performance with promotion. In addition, the central government also introduced third-party evaluation to solve the problem of information asymmetry. This special governance model for special tasks like poverty alleviation has fully motivate the local officials, improved the efficiency of targeted governance, and enriched the connotation of national governance.

Key words: poverty alleviation, central-local relations, promotion incentives, national governance

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