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    15 July 2016, Issue 04 () Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    How the Government Enhance People's Happiness in the New Normal - Based on Livelihood Satisfaction
    SUN Ji-ling
    2016 (04):  1-10. 
    Abstract ( 583 )   PDF (1172KB) ( 1533 )  
    Under the "New normal", it is a major problem facing the government that how to improve residents' happiness and get rid of "Easterlin paradox". Using the data CGSS2010, this paper studied how happiness was affected by livelihood satisfaction and its influencing factors through creating Livelihood Satisfaction Index. Findings are summarized as follows. Improving the level of income will not necessarily continue to improve residents' happiness, but enhancing residents' is a robust way. Averagely speaking, the happiness score can increase 0.0675 through reducing LSI by 0.1 is equivalent to the effects of raising class identification one level and the housing area per capita increased 1.6 times. For lower level of income, class and economic status groups, the happiness effect of livelihood Satisfaction is bigger. The satisfactory degree of adequacy, equality, convenience and affordable of public service have positive effect on LSI independently. The relation between income and LSI is inverse U shape. Education, class identification and economic status have negative on LSI.
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    The development of Middle Yangtze River's culture industry influence on the evolution of regional industrial structure
    SUN Zhi-jun, XIE Hong-ling
    2016 (04):  11-23. 
    Abstract ( 416 )   PDF (2665KB) ( 1214 )  
    The development of culture industry plays an important role in improving regional industry's additional value、independent innovation level、resources and environment protection capacity and then optimizing regional industrial structure. This paper is based on data 2005-2014 of regional GDP、culture industry added value、three-industry added value of Middle Yangtze River、Hunan province、Hubei province and Jiangxi Province,using the Theil index、industrial structure deviation、industrial structure upgrading、grey correlation analysis and co-integration analysis to analyze the development of culture industry influence on regional industrial structure. It turns out that the development of Middle Yangtze River's culture industry has a certain positive role in promoting industrial structure optimization. It remains to formulate culture industry fusion development policy、cultivate culture industry talents and implement intellectual property rights protection policy to promote culture industry for the regional industrial structure is optimized.
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    Research on agglomeration of producer services Threshold and manufacturing upgrading - based on triple effect of the cluster
    LU Fei, LIU Ming-hui
    2016 (04):  24-35. 
    Abstract ( 463 )   PDF (4685KB) ( 1377 )  
    Based on the literature review and theoretical deduction. First, the article puts forward triple effects of producer services agglomeration on the upgrade of manufacturing industry, the analysis states that the effect producer services agglomeration have made on the upgrade of manufacturing industry showed inverted U-vurve and there is a threshold characteristics exists in the effects each variable selected worked on manufacturing industry upgrade with the help of producer service industry agglomeration. The part of the empirical test. Based on China's 31 provincial-level panel data during 2002 to 2013 and set panel data model, and set the agglomeration of producer service industry as the threshold variable then set the threshold panel model.Two models comprehensive confirmed the three hypotheses and distinguish the critical point of elements working on manufacturing upgrading with the help of producer service industry agglomeration. Results of the article further indicate that gathered elastic effects of producer industry has gradually present decreasing trend in the rank of Central Region, Eastern Region and western region.Considering space into the context,the effect of different elements wok on manufacturing industry to upgrade by aggregate producer sevice industry shows out different linear or nonlinear characteristic. Thereby make the empirical analysis combining with China's 2013 data,which recognize that different regions has different driving factors, then propose to upgrade manufacturing industry under the guidance of the regional producer services agglomeration.
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    Social Trust and Accounting Earnings' Usefulness in Debt Contracts
    ZHANG Xing-liang
    2016 (04):  36-44. 
    Abstract ( 436 )   PDF (1042KB) ( 1480 )  
    How social trust which is an important informal institution affects micro-systems in corporations is worth studying. Taking manufacturing industry corporations listed in A share market during 2000 to 2014 as research sample, the paper finds that social trust has guilt mechanism effect, so the debt contractual usefulness of accounting earnings is more significant in areas where social trust are low. Furthermore, compared with state-owned corporations, social trust has more significant effect on the contractual usefulness of accounting earnings in non-state-owned corporations. The results are robust to sample selection bias after using Heckman model. The results have important significance not only to recognizing the role of social trust, but also to promoting governance role of accounting information.
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    Earnings management, executive pay-performance sensitivity and the Internal Control Governance Effect
    CHEN Hong, HU Yao-dan, YU Nu-tao
    2016 (04):  45-56. 
    Abstract ( 459 )   PDF (1076KB) ( 1508 )  
    Using the sample of China's Shanghai and Shenzhen listed companies from the year 2006 to 2014, this paper investigated in the impact of different directions Earnings management have on executive pay-performance sensitivity, and to explore internal control's governance effects towards this phenomenon. We found that earnings management will reduce pay-performance sensitivity, and regression results turned out to be different according to the directions of earnings management. In detail, positive earnings management has a positive impact on this sensitivity while negative earnings management has a negative impact. Internal control can reduce this impact, but the extinct to which is far from ideal situation. This study shows in the case of pay-for-performance, the existence of managerial power may induce earnings management so as to affect managers' compensation.It proves internal control has achieved many good results, and its effect can be further enhanced.
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    The Prediction Analysis of Payment Way Preference's Influence on Traditional Financial Industry
    YANG Lu-ming, SHAN Liang, WU Ya-na
    2016 (04):  57-68. 
    Abstract ( 472 )   PDF (1182KB) ( 1293 )  
    The Internet has immerged into the traditional financial industry due to its rapid development ,giving some influence upon the payment ways of traditional financing and forming diversified payment methods.therefore,it is crucial to study customer preference in choosing mobile payment ways during shopping activies.This paper is in an attempt to qualitatively analyze the customers' preference to either the traditional way or the third electronic payment by selecting the samples and using the construction formula methodology. With the assistance of that, we can get the factors affecting people's choices. This paper concludes that our clients' choices are determined by personality's features, systematic factors and social factors. All these factors may indirectly influence the benefits and risks of loss.Besides, the sensitivity of gains and losses is linked with payment experience in making choice of mobile payment ways.
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    The Empirical Research of Board of Directs Governance Effect in Listed Bank from the Viewpoint of Political Relevance
    HUANG Hong-bin, KUN Chun-li, ZHANG Tong-jian
    2016 (04):  69-76. 
    Abstract ( 454 )   PDF (1027KB) ( 1426 )  
    In the modern corporate governance system, the political association is the inevitable phenomenon. The board governance is one of the core elements of corporate governance, and the board of directors of the listed Banks in our country is restricted by political connection. Under the political relevance perspective, based on the governance of listed Banks data, by means of multiple regression analysis method, empirical research reveals the microscopic mechanism of the board of directors of the listed bank governance, founds that political connection of board chairman has positive effect in corporation governance, puts forward the improvement measure of board governance of listed banks, which may improve the board governance quality of the listed Banks.
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    Scale Structure of Urban System and Industrial Carbon Emission Intensity - Empirical Analysis Based on the Provincial Panel Data in China
    LI Shun-yi
    2016 (04):  77-85. 
    Abstract ( 398 )   PDF (1041KB) ( 1400 )  
    The scale structure of urban system has an important influence on the industrial carbon emission intensity. This study undertakes an empirical analysis on their relationship by conducting a dynamic panel data model test by system GMM estimation method using the provincial panel data of China of the period 2006—2013. The results show that the industrial carbon emission intensity is in an U-shaped relationship with the concentration levels of their urban system. Compared with the over dispersion or over concentration of the urban system, the coordinated development of large, medium and small sized cities is a more effective way to reduce industrial carbon emission intensity. It follows that the higher economic development level, the stronger the U-shaped effects on the industrial carbon emission intensity would be produced. This shows that the negative effect of urban system structural imbalance to reduce industrial carbon emissions will not automatically ease with economic development, so regulations and policies for optimizing the structure of urban system will be needed.
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    Research on the Model of City Joint Distribution Center Location - Based on Niche Fitness and Mixed Integer Programming Perspective
    BIN Hou, ZENG Qin-yun, WANG Huan-fang
    2016 (04):  86-93. 
    Abstract ( 440 )   PDF (1109KB) ( 1343 )  
    Based on the analysis of ecological suitability factors that influence site selection, introduce the niche fitness model to filter for the first time, aiming to reveal the degree of suitability between the status of resources and urban sustainable development. In addition, using the mixed integer programming model to a second screening of the remaining options , and for example the Z city, calculate the distance of each candidate points and the ideal spot to determine the final common distribution center program. The empirical results show that the model can handle urban ecological environment and common distribution center location problem better, for other cities joint distribution site to provide a reference. It recommends that the Government focus on the city's future development, strengthening infrastructure construction joint distribution centers, rational distribution, improve resource utilization, and promote co-operation with distribution centers across the Community.
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    Statistical analysis of the impact of regional factor endowments on China's economic development - Based on 30 provinces panel data quantile regression
    MA Li-ping, ZHANG Peng, HU Pei
    2016 (04):  94-102. 
    Abstract ( 491 )   PDF (1642KB) ( 2471 )  
    This paper views environment as an element of production function and establishes a quantile regression model based on the 2006—2013 panel data. Under the background of low-carbon economy, we study the regional difference of the impact of factor endowments on China's economic development. The results show that labor force, physical capital and environmental investment are the main factors of economic growth, however, human capital doesn't as we expected significantly promote economic growth because it has not met the economic market needs. In the areas where economy is relatively backward, increasing physical capital investments and promoting industrial upgrading are the most effective ways to drive its economic growth. In the areas where economy is in the middle level, labor force and physical capital investment could remarkably boost the economy. In the areas where economy is relatively developed, the function of physical capital investment is weakened. The market demands of innovative technology and talents are the new driving power of sustained economic growth.
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    Evaluation of Rural Land Management Right Circulation in China: Reviews and Prospects
    ZHANG Xiao-juan, PANG Shou-lin
    2016 (04):  103-110. 
    Abstract ( 609 )   PDF (1097KB) ( 1800 )  
    Land value is always one of the bone of contention in academia. The key of smooth circulation of rural land management right is to evaluate the real values of rural land, and improve the price mechanism. By reviewing the related literature of evaluation of rural land management right circulation, sum up the main features of rural land management right circulation from the aspects of connotations, status and problems, evaluation methods and models, and looks forward to the prospects of future research directions.
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