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    15 March 2019, Issue 02 () Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Effect of Country Size on Trade and Investment Facilitation:-An Empirical Study based on “One Belt, One Road” National Data
    CAI Ling-hui, ZHU Yan-fu
    2019 (02):  1-10. 
    Abstract ( 658 )   PDF (2327KB) ( 1034 )  
    Based on the "One Belt, One Road" national data, this paper choose 53 countries to calculate the trade and investment facilitation level, and then uses the panel data model to analyze the impact of country size on trade and investment facilitation. Our findings show that trade and investment facilitation level of countries along "One Belt And One Road" presented an upward trend after 2013. What's more, in the time-sharing sample, the scale of resident income was an important factor influencing trade and investment facilitation before "One Belt, One Road" initiative was proposed, and the implementation of the initiative made trade and investment facilitation no longer affected by scale of resident income. From the perspective of national scale, this study aims to improve the trade and investment facilitation conditions of countries which go along with "One Belt, One Road" initiative, it also make some suggestions for china in direct investment and bilateral trade.
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    Foreign Direct Investment, Transportation Infrastructure Improvement and Manufacturing Agglomeration-Empirical Research on Panel Data of 285 Cities in China from 2003 to 2016
    BAI Wan-ping, LU Zheng, LIU Li-ping
    2019 (02):  11-23. 
    Abstract ( 565 )   PDF (4838KB) ( 1125 )  
    Based on panel data of 285 prefecture-level cities in China from 2003 to 2016, application of SDM model and GTWR model, from the perspective of spatial dependence and heterogeneity, empirical analysis of the impact of FDI and transportation infrastructure improvement on manufacturing agglomeration. The research arrives at the following conclusions:FDI and transport infrastructure conditions have significant positive effects on the agglomeration of manufacturing industry, but its impact is significantly different between regions, the influence of FDI on manufacturing agglomeration in western region is weak. Transportation infrastructure has a typical spatial non-linear diminishing effect on manufacturing agglomeration. Therefore, further improve infrastructure conditions in the western region, it is still an important measure for China and narrow the imbalance of regional development in the western region for a long time to come.
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    Research on the Role of Industrial Advancement in Economic Growth-An Empirical Analysis Based on the Evolution of China's Industrial Structure
    ZHANG Ming, HU Zhuang-cheng, XUE Ze-shuai
    2019 (02):  24-30. 
    Abstract ( 650 )   PDF (1504KB) ( 1130 )  
    Based on Baumol's theory of unbalanced growth, this paper uses the method of transformation share analysis to carry out empirical tests, and constructs a three-sector analysis model to study the promotion of tertiary industry to economic growth. The results show that in the early and middle stages of industrialization, the agricultural population has shifted to industry and service industry, and the increase of the proportion of service industry in the industrial structure has promoted economic growth. In the latter stage of industrialization, the development of industrial technology squeezes out the labor force, the population is forced to transfer to the service industry, and the expansion of the share of the life service industry inhibits economic growth. However, if the share of the service industry with the producer service industry as the main body expands, it can promote economic growth.
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    Total Factor Productivity、 Financial Constraint and China's OFDI Choice
    LIU Min, HUANG Liang-xiong, HUANG Xiang
    2019 (02):  31-41. 
    Abstract ( 748 )   PDF (2547KB) ( 995 )  
    This paper tests the effect of total factor productivity and financial constraint on China's OFDI choice. Moreover, the interaction effect of total factor productivity and financial constraint are also displayed. The results show that, the higher the productivity is, the more likely for the firms to operate OFDI, in addition, the lower the financial constraint is, the less likely for the firms to do OFDI. Moreover, total factor productivity and financial constraint are mutual substituted, the negative effect of financial constraint on OFDI choice is larger in firms with lower total factor productivity, that is to say, raising total factor productivity can moderate the negative effect of financial constraint on OFDI choice. Moreover, the interaction effect of total factor productivity and financial constraint is larger in domestic firms and export firms. Raising total factor productivity of domestic firms and especially export firms can moderate the negative effect of financial constraint on OFDI choice,
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    A Study on the Impact Mechanism of Overall Remuneration on Employee Innovation Performance-Analysis Based on Hierarchical Regression and fsQCA
    LIANG Yan-qing, LIU Wei-peng
    2019 (02):  42-49. 
    Abstract ( 513 )   PDF (2546KB) ( 1109 )  
    How to improve employee innovation performance in the new era is a major practical problem facing enterprises. This paper explores the influence mechanism of total compensation on employee innovation performance. In order to better explain the relationship between variables, based on the survey of 1009 employee questionnaires, empirical research (hierarchical regression) and qualitative comparative analysis of fuzzy sets (fsQCA) are combined to analyze, and the following conclusions are drawn:total compensation has positive impact on employee innovation performance. Work innovation performance, job well-being plays a part of the intermediary role; leadership-member exchange positively regulates the relationship between overall compensation and job well-being; qualitative comparative analysis concludes four types of antecedent configurations triggering employee innovation performance.
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    Will Industrial Boundary Spanners Use Social Media-An Empirical Study from the Perspective of B2B Individual Social Capital
    LU Hong-liang, WANG Bing
    2019 (02):  50-61. 
    Abstract ( 523 )   PDF (3041KB) ( 1009 )  
    An antecedents and performance model of social media use is constructed to explore the influence of rational information supplementary value, interpersonal communication value, younger level and subjective norms based on the view of individual social capital value of B2B boundary spanners, and take the boundary management performance as independent variable, the individual's innovation as a moderate variable. It conducts a questionnaire survey among B2B boundary spanners to test the assumptions. The empirical results show that the four independent variables have the most significant relationship with the social media business use and the social media use also positively improves the performance of boundary management. The individual innovation positively moderates the relationship between the rational information supplementary value, interpersonal communication value and social media use, but the moderating roles of younger level and subjective norms on the social media use is not significant. Relevant results have some management implications for B2B business managers and social media platforms.
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    Government Accounting and Government Governance-Empirical Research Based on China's Provincial Panel Data
    WANG Hui-hua, LIU Yong-ze
    2019 (02):  62-69. 
    Abstract ( 519 )   PDF (1791KB) ( 984 )  
    Taking provincial data from 2007 to 2015 as samples, this paper empirically examines the governance role of government accounting information in the structure of government expenditure, government debt and government corruption. The results show that government accounting information in China has some governance effects in correcting the structure of government expenditure. The governance effect of district government accounting is more remarkable.
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    Executive Equity Incentive, Technological Innovation and Total Factor Productivity-Empirical Analysis Based on Manufacturing Enterprises
    SHENG Ming-quan, JIANG Shi-zhan
    2019 (02):  70-76. 
    Abstract ( 630 )   PDF (3061KB) ( 1203 )  
    Taking Chinese A-share manufacturing listed companies from 2007 to 2016 as samples,this paper uses OP method to measure the total factor productivity of enterprises,and tests the relationship between executive equity incentives and total factor productivity of enterprises.The research finds that there exists intermediary effect of technology innovation on the transmission path of executive equity incentive affecting total factor productivity. The longer the validity period of equity incentive is, the more obvious the positive impact of executive equity incentive on total factor productivity is in non-state-owned listed companies.
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    Can energy efficiency improve environmental quality?-Perspective Based on Computable General Equilibrium
    LI Gang, HUANG Wei-wei
    2019 (02):  77-82. 
    Abstract ( 566 )   PDF (2812KB) ( 1002 )  
    Using the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, this paper studies the impact of a 5% increase in energy efficiency in all production sectors. GDP will rise by 0.02% in the short run and 0.45% in the long run. Carbon dioxide emissions will rise by 0.09% in the short run and 0.60% in the long run. Therefore, at this stage, only through the improvement of energy efficiency, can not promote the improvement of environmental quality, but can promote economic growth.
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    Foreign direct investment, new urbanization and China's carbon emissions
    RAN Qi-ying, REN Si-yu
    2019 (02):  83-90. 
    Abstract ( 559 )   PDF (2079KB) ( 1035 )  
    Based on the inter-provincial panel data from 2006 to 2016, a new urbanization evaluation system is constructed and the comprehensive level of China's new urbanization development is measured by the method of entropy. By establishing a regression model with urbanization level as the threshold variable, the non-linear threshold effect of FDI on China's carbon emissions is empirically tested. The results show that the impact of FDI on China's carbon emissions has obvious double threshold effect on urbanization level.
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    Research on Sustainability of Long-term Nursing Insurance Model of “Relying on Medical Insurance”-Based on the comparison between urban and rural residents and urban workers
    TIAN Yong, YIN Jun
    2019 (02):  91-101. 
    Abstract ( 619 )   PDF (3608KB) ( 1068 )  
    By calculating the long-term care needs of urban and rural residents and constructing an actuarial model of medical insurance, it is found that the establishment of long-term care insurance system relying on urban and rural residents' medical insurance will increase the deficit of medical insurance funds for urban and rural residents, so the proportion of medical insurance fund expenditure in the financing of long-term care insurance should not exceed 20%, but the operation of the system can be maintained by means of financial subsidies. In this mode, the maximum financial burden ratio does not exceed 4.67%. The establishment of long-term care insurance system based on urban employees' medical insurance will threaten the safety of the staff's medical insurance pooling fund, which should be carefully adopted under the current medical insurance system.
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    Research on the Risks of Implementing PPP Model in Counties of Midwest China
    SUN Jie, MA Yu-zhe
    2019 (02):  102-110. 
    Abstract ( 604 )   PDF (2385KB) ( 978 )  
    On the basis of questionnaire survey, the risk factors evaluation index system of PPP model in central and western counties of China is constructed. After calculating the weight of risk indicators, nine key risk factors restricting PPP projects in central and western counties were selected from 19 risks, and divided into four key risk groups through relevant tests and factor analysis, namely political risk, economic risk, market environment risk and cooperation risk. The results show that political risk is the most important risk group that restricts the development of PPP, and the lack of project income is the single risk factor with the highest score.
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