Journal of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics ›› 2022 ›› Issue (02): 60-68.

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The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Employees’ Learning from Errors from the Perspective of Face

YANG Jie1, SUN Yun-pu1, HUANG Yong2   

  1. 1. School of Business Administration, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang Guizhou 550025, China;
    2. School of Business, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China
  • Received:2021-08-23 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-03-25

Abstract: Based on face theory, this paper analyzes the relationship between abusive supervision and employees’ learning from errors, and tests the mediating role of competence face stress and the moderating role of organization-based self-esteem. The data analysis of 250 supervisor-subordinate dyads questionnaires show that abusive supervision has a positive impact on learning from errors.Competence face stress mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and learning from errors. Employees’ organization-based self-esteem moderates the relationship between abusive supervision and competence face stress and also moderates this mediation relationship.

Key words: abusive supervision, competence face stress, learning from errors, organization-based self-esteem

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