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    15 September 2019, Issue 05 (202) Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Dynamic Changes in the Convergence of Regional Economic Growth in China: 1978-2017
    XU Wen-ge, LIU Yang
    2019 (05):  1-11. 
    Abstract ( 644 )   PDF (2161KB) ( 1078 )  
    In the past 40 years of reform and opening up, the convergence of regional economic growth in China has become more obvious. The per capita GDP growth of the region has not only continued to rise, but the level gap has also been shrinking, there is a conditional convergence phenomenon, and the "club convergence" phenomenon of economic growth in the eastern and coastal regions is remarkable. After entering the 1990s, the trend of growth convergence has become more and more prominent. The international financial crisis in 2008 did not change the development trend of growth convergence. In the future, we must continue to adhere to reform and opening up, make up the shortcomings of local institutions and factors, and actively cultivate and develop a series of basic factors that are conducive to the convergence of regional per capita GDP growth in order to achieve more coordinated regional development.
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    Economic Structure Adjustment, Growth Slowdown and High Quality Development in China-Based on Solow-Swan growth Model
    GUO Chang-qing
    2019 (05):  12-18. 
    Abstract ( 831 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 1201 )  
    China is developing from productive society to consumption-oriented society, China's economy is transforming from investment-driven to consumption-driven, and the goal of China's economy is changing from high-speed development to high-quality development. In transformation process of China's economy and society, the economic growth rate is also slowing down year by year. Based on the Solow-Swan growth model, it is found that when the economic development changes to consumption-driven, it will inevitably lower the economic growth rate. At present, the slowdown of economic growth rate in China accords with the basic laws of development. Economic restructuring should not be abandoned because of the downward pressure on economic growth. China's economy should develop to high quality:firstly, we should expand domestic demand and continue to promote the adjustment of our economic structure, and increase the proportion of consumption in GDP; Secondly, we should actively deal with the problem of aging, take effective measures to increase the number of people in work, avoid a large decline in the number work people; thirdly, we should increase the investment in R & D of science and technology, encourage social innovation, and promote technological innovation.
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    Empirical Analysis on the Performance of Public Policy in the Construction of Comprehensive National Science Center-Take Hefei, Anhui Province as an example
    WU Yan-yan
    2019 (05):  19-24. 
    Abstract ( 586 )   PDF (981KB) ( 1270 )  
    Based on the construction of evaluation index system of science and technology policy and the application of entropy weight method, this paper takes the policy performance of establishing and implementing the comprehensive national science center in Hefei, Anhui Province, since 2013 as the research object, and calculates the evaluation performance score of science and technology policy from 2013 to 2017. The paper also analyses the effect of policy implementation and its weak links from the aspects of innovation carrier construction, talent planning, finance, taxation, science and technology projects, output of scientific and technological achievements, technology transfer and industrialization, and puts forward policy suggestions on the optimization and perfection of science and technology policy for the construction of comprehensive national science center.
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    Fiscal Decentralization, Local Government Catch-Up Behavior and Environmental Governance Efficiency-Analysis of Threshold Effect and Transmission Mechanism Based on 87 Urban Data
    TANG Yi-qiu, SHI Jie
    2019 (05):  25-34. 
    Abstract ( 585 )   PDF (1565KB) ( 1577 )  
    Based on the data of 87 key cities in China from 2003 to 2016, the relationships among fiscal decentralization, local government catching-up and environmental governance efficiency are deeply explored through DEA-Tobit and panel threshold regression methods. The results show that local government catching-up and Catching-up have different impacts on cities with different levels of economic development. The non-linear impact of decentralization on the efficiency of environmental governance is mainly distributed in regions with low administrative level and backward economic development. Only when fiscal decentralization reaches or exceeds the threshold, can local governments catch up with and surpass the environmental governance efficiency.
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    Economic Environment, Government Subsidies and Enterprise Development-an Empirical Study Based on Survival Analysis
    LI Qiang
    2019 (05):  35-43. 
    Abstract ( 554 )   PDF (1272KB) ( 1004 )  
    The article obtains two aspects of macroeconomic environment through the statistical data analysis of China's industrial enterprises, the theoretical hypothesis that the macro-economic development speed and the macro-economic policy stability influence the government subsidy policy on the enterprise survival and development is obtained, Then we use the survival analysis method to test the theoretical hypothesis. Theoretical and empirical studies show that government subsidies are more willing to be implemented in the period of low macroeconomic growth, but in the period of high macroeconomic growth, the promotion effect of government subsidies on the survival probability of enterprises is significantly higher than that in the period of low macroeconomic growth. Enterprises with unstable macroeconomic policies are more likely to receive government subsidies, In addition, in the period of macroeconomic policy instability, increasing the subsidy intensity of enterprises can more obviously promote the survival and development of enterprises than in the period of policy stability.
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    The Impact of Labor Relation Condition and Organizational Justice on Employees Job Performance-A Model of Moderated Mediator
    LIU Tao, YANG Hui-ying
    2019 (05):  44-53. 
    Abstract ( 697 )   PDF (1318KB) ( 1222 )  
    the role of organizational justice, and its impact on employee's job performance. The model's underlying hypothesis were conceptually developed and empirically examined. A questionnaire survey covering 628 organizations was commissioned. The questionnaire was pilot tested with academics and practitioners. The model's hypotheses were examined using structural equation modeling. The analysis showed that organizational justice and labor relation condition have positive impact on employee's job performance. The results also showed that burnout plays a key role between the organizational justice and labor relation condition. This study found that organizational justice improved job performance by limiting the accumulation of burnout. Interestingly, labor relation condition with interactive effects of organizational justice was found to be able to limit the accumulation of burnout. This study contributes to existing industrial management body of knowledge, especially it provides new insights to guide managers in developing countries to better manage their workforces.
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    The relationship between employee-assisted behavior and work well-being at work,Adjusted by team cohesion
    CHEN Ming-shu, LU Qing-tao
    2019 (05):  54-64. 
    Abstract ( 553 )   PDF (1346KB) ( 1381 )  
    An empirical study of 224 employees with different work experience in different occupations was conducted by means of questionnaires, which verified the inverted u-type relationship between the frequency of helping people's behavior and work well-being, indicating that the gain-assisted behavior promotes work happiness, and the loss-oriented helper behavior inhibits work well-being. At the same time, the adjustment effect of the team cohesion is verified. The results show that the team cohesion adjusts the opening size of inverted u curve. When the team cohesion is low, the curve opening becomes smaller, and the influence of the helper behavior on the helper's work well-being is strengthened. When the team's cohesion is high, the curve opening becomes larger, and the influence of the helping behavior on the helper's work well-being is weakened.
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    Policy Marketing、Policy Implementation and Poverty Alleviation Policy Satisfaction
    WANG Zhi-zhang, HAO Li, HUANG Ming-zhu
    2019 (05):  65-77. 
    Abstract ( 498 )   PDF (1971KB) ( 1052 )  
    This article examines the impact of policy marketing and policy implementation on the policy satisfaction of farmers in poverty-stricken areas by using the micro-survey data of rural households in the nine poverty-stricken areas in China in 2016 with 2649 samples. The empirical research found that:(1)Policy marketing can effectively help rural households in poverty-stricken areas to understand deeply relevant poverty alleviation policies and enhance their policy satisfaction. (2)The accurate implementation of poverty alleviation policies is also another important factor in enhancing farmers' policy satisfaction. It reflected in three aspects:the accurate identification of poverty households, the implementation of multiple poverty alleviation policies such as "Five types of poverty reduction policies", and the poverty exit mechanism. (3)Overall, farmers in poverty-stricken areas are basically satisfied with precision poverty reduction policies, and the policy marketing and policy implementation of precision poverty reduction policies have a heterogeneous effect on the policy satisfaction of different groups.
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    Does the Establishment of National Poverty-stricken Counties Increase the Income Level of Local Farmers-An Empirical Research Based on Panel Data of 296 Counties in China from 2007 to 2016
    LI Quan, LU Ke-ji, LI Meng
    2019 (05):  78-90. 
    Abstract ( 667 )   PDF (1848KB) ( 1124 )  
    Since the implementation of the poverty-stricken county system in China in 1986, whether and to what extent the establishment of national poverty-stricken counties can raise the real income level of local farmers requires an systematic and scientific empirical test. Based on propensity score matching-difference in difference (PSM-DID) methods, using the panel data of 296 counties in six provinces of China from 2007 to 2016, it is found that the establishment of national poverty-stricken counties failed to effectively improve the real income level of local farmers.On the contrary, it has a sustained negative effect. Further research has found that the development of secondary and tertiary industries in poverty-stricken areas can effectively raise the real income level of local farmers, but the policy of poverty-stricken counties has not optimized the local industrial structure; the government can effectively increase farmers' real income by intervening in the price of agricultural products. From the policy implication of the research conclusion, it is of great practical significance to promote precise poverty alleviation based on poor households, promote effective investment through attracting external investment, and optimize county industrial structure for enhancing farmers' income in poverty-stricken counties.
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    Analysis of Factors Influencing the Integration of Existing Mixed Communities from the Perspective of Public Service Supply-Investigation and Analysis Based on Four Communities in Chengdu
    KUANG Liang-feng, CHENG Tong-shun, CHEN Shu-xi
    2019 (05):  91-101. 
    Abstract ( 639 )   PDF (1878KB) ( 992 )  
    The analysis of existing mixed community integration cannot only start from the inside of the community, because the supply of community public services will also affect the community integration. According to the connotation of community integration, the mixed community integration is divided into four dimensions:community interaction, community norms, community role models and community attachment. Then the theoretical assumptions and relationship models of the four dimensions of public service content, public service efficiency and public service subject influence are put forward based on literature research. Based on the data analysis of four communities in Chengdu, it is concluded that community interaction, community norms, community role models and community attachment are all affected by public service content. The efficiency of public service and the main body of public service also have obvious influence on community interaction and community norms. However, the efficiency of public service has no obvious influence on community role models and community attachment, and the public service body has no obvious influence on community attachment. Finally, relevant recommendations on integration of existing mixed communities were made.
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    The Anomie and the Regulation of Net-Charity
    FENG Chun, HUANG Jing-wen
    2019 (05):  102-110. 
    Abstract ( 772 )   PDF (1589KB) ( 1141 )  
    With the network charity flourishing at the same time,all kinds of anomie phenomenon highlights:there is no ability to distinguish the true and false information of online charity;lack of transparency in the use of charitable funds;the fund-raising platform has the behavior of seeking self-interest;the Net-charity has degenerated into a tool for illegal activities.The reason is due to the net-charity platform has no ability to screen true and false information;lacking open and transparent mechanism,supervision system,supporting laws and regulations.Therefore, we need to strengthen information audit;build a open and transparent system;strengthen the governance of the network charity platform; improve the relevant laws and regulations.
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