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    15 September 2017, Issue 05 () Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Polarization of Human Capital Structure:Driving and Mechanism of Urbanization Polarization of Human Capital Structure:Driving and Mechanism of Urbanization
    WANG Li-xia, HANG Chun-hong
    2017 (05):  1-9. 
    Abstract ( 416 )   PDF (1333KB) ( 147 )  
    This paper uses the spatial econometric model to systematically analyze the spatial differentiation of human capital structure and the polarization of human capital structure in the process of urbanization. Themit studies the internal implementation mechanism from the three dimensions of technological innovation, industrial structure upgrading and income gap.The results show that:(1) human capital structure is still dominated by low human capital in most areas of China, and spatial aggregation of human capital structure is obvious in eastern and central regions; (2) with the elevation of urbanization, human capital structure appears that the proportion of high and low-skilled human capital increased, while the proportion of middle-skilled human capital continue to reduce which present the polarization phenomenon. The interaction of Industrial upgrading, technological innovation and urbanization enhances the proportion of high-skilled human capital. The interaction between income disparity, industrial upgrading and urbanization promotes the proportion of low-skilled human capital. Promoting regional coordinated development, boosting industrial structure to high-end service-oriented direction, accelerating the transformation of innovation results, narrowing the urban-rural income gap are important path to promote the optimization of human capital structure.
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    Study on Consumers' Perceived Value and Purchase Intention of B2B Ingredient Brand:The Moderating Role of Objective Knowledge
    LU Hong-liang, WEI Yi, ZHANG Yan, FAN Wen-xiang
    2017 (05):  10-19. 
    Abstract ( 537 )   PDF (1074KB) ( 200 )  
    From the perspective of the consumer, this paper explores the main impactsof the function value,emotion value and perceived sacrifices from ingredient brand on their purchase intention,and meanwhile it measures the moderaterole of consumer knowledge in this process.The results showed that the more functional value and emotional value that consumersperceived, the higher their purchase intention is.Consumers are willing to pay a higher price for ingredient brandand their knowledge knowledge positively moderates the relationship between functional value, emotional value and purchase intention,but it has no moderating role on the perceived sacrifices.Accordingly, it puts forward that the ingredient suppliers should pay more attention to the brand pull-power from the consumer market. It is necessary to emphasize the excellent properties of ingredient brand and the emotional benefits that brand contributes. Meanwhile, the suppliers should improve the consumers' awareness of the ingredientbrand value, so thatturned into knowledgeable ones gradually.
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    The correlation research among core values identity, psychological well-being and successful intelligence——Based on the data validation of knowledge talents
    QIN Zheng-qiang, WEI Zhi-xiang, XIE Zhen-yu
    2017 (05):  20-29. 
    Abstract ( 404 )   PDF (1277KB) ( 140 )  
    The values of knowledge talents have high sensitive. Core Values identity and psychological well-being has affection to successful intelligence. Based on the sample data of knowledge talent and by means of structural equation modeling, empirical studies have revealed the intrinsic relationship among core values identity, psychological well-being and success intelligence, and discovered the existence of microscopic mechanism and path of excitation, and provides a new mode of thinking for the development of successful intelligence of knowledge workers. The research founds:core values identity promotes the psychological well-being; core values identity promotes the growth of analytical intelligence, creative intelligence and practice-based intellectual; subjective well-being promotes the growth of the analytical intelligence, creative intelligence and practical intelligence.
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    A Study on the Relationship between Employer Brand and Employee's Innovative Behavior
    JIANG You-wen, WANG Zhen-min, SONG Jin-cheng
    2017 (05):  30-40. 
    Abstract ( 494 )   PDF (1345KB) ( 152 )  
    This article aims to reveal the influence mechanism of employer brand on employee's innovative behavior.With employee innovation behavior as dependent variable, employer brand as independent variable, working happiness as mediating variable, career resilience as moderating variable,the author constructs a mechanism model among variables. Using the data of 946 employees from 81 companies and HLM analysis technique,results are shown as follows:firstly,employer brand has significantly positive effects on working happiness and employee's innovative behavior; secondly,working happiness has significantly positive effect on employee's innovative behavior,and also partially plays a mediating role in the relationship between employer brand and innovative behavior; thirdly,career resilience plays a positive moderation role in the relationship between working happiness and employee's innovative behavior,namely career resilience with higher degree leads to stronger effect of working happiness on innovative behavior.These findings not only help to further enrich the achievements of employer brand and innovative behavior theory,but also provide useful inspiration for human resource management practice.
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    The direct effects and spillover effects of financial development on total factor productivity——Based on the perspective of spatial spillover
    LI Guang-xi, MEI Lin
    2017 (05):  41-49. 
    Abstract ( 427 )   PDF (1060KB) ( 126 )  
    The free flow of financial resources and financial agglomeration brings the scale effect, reduce financing costs, promote regional TFP increase, but profit driven capital also lead to the unbalanced development of the regional economy. With the increasing frequency of inter regional economic transactions, the spatial spillover effect of total factor productivity (TFP) is becoming more pronounced. Then, how financial development directly affects TFP and its spatial spillover effects is a question to ponder over. This paper through the collection of 30 regions in China, (2006-2015) of the cross section data, research on the direct effect of financial development on TFP and spillover effects, so as to optimize the financial allocation efficiency between regions. Put the TFP decomposition and constructed by the BLM index, and then study the banking agencies and the capital market to the "technical progress" and "direct and indirect effects of efficiency improvement", we find that there exists a positive direct effect on TFP, but the capital market (stocks and bonds) on regional total factor productivity spillover effect ratio of banks and other financial media is more significant, which can efficiently generate information transfer and technical disclosure and stimulate R & D on competition and catch up, further promote the balanced development of regional play. Finally, it provides policy advice and reference on how to coordinate regional financial and economic balanced development.
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    the Coupling Research on Two-way Direct Investment and Enterprise's Innovation:Based on Provinces' Data of China
    LI Qin-zhu
    2017 (05):  50-58. 
    Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (1398KB) ( 186 )  
    This paper established the coupling coordination model about two-way direct investment and enterprise's innovation which was based on the physics coupling function. According to the data of28 provinces from 2004 to 2013, this paper got both degrees of coupling and coordination. While calculating the level of regional two-way direct investment and enterprise innovation, the paper analyzed the trend of time changes. The development process could be induced into three stages:harmony, promotion and confliction, through the clustering analysis of the coupling coordination degree. Then the paper finds out the coupling coordination developmental level of these regions are low but increasing. There exist significant regional differences.
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    Have Co-agglomeration of Producer Services and ManufacturingPromoted the Growth of Employment
    ZHUANG De-lin, WU Jing, YANG Yang, JIN Sheng-wu
    2017 (05):  59-68. 
    Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (2591KB) ( 138 )  
    Co-agglomeration of industries has become a national industries policy in China and also has important effects on employment. The paper theoretically analyzes the effect of co-agglomeration of producer services and manufacturing on regional employment and inter-regional employment,and empirically examine the effects by using Chinese 31 provincial panel data. The key results are as follows:(1) Agglomeration of producer services not only significantly promote the regional total employment, but also promote the job growth in regional manufacturing and producer services respectively.(2) Agglomeration of manufacturing significantly promote the job growth in regional manufacturing,but significantly diminish the job growth in regional producer services.(3) Co-agglomeration of producer services and manufacturing in certain province significantly diminish the regional total employment.(4) Co-agglomeration of producer services and manufacturing between provinces significantly promote the intra-provincial job growth of manufacturing and producer services,and also the regional total employment.
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    New trade protectionism in the United States and the construction of free trade zones
    YANG Shuai
    2017 (05):  69-78. 
    Abstract ( 479 )   PDF (1479KB) ( 145 )  
    A new US President Trump's election will undoubtedly give global clearly conveys the "new" trend, great changes have taken place in America's foreign trade policy, and as the engine of the global economy, this kind of change will cause the reconstruction of Global trade order, in the foreign trade policy to uphold the "protection" attitude it will arouse the global trade protectionism. In the background of Global trade protectionism are frequent, and urged the Chinese economy to establish FTA between forms, promote the development of bilateral trade is an effective means to deal with trade protectionism. The future should be based on "trade facilitation" concept to promote the signing of free trade agreements with other countries and regions Chinese; from micro interest extended to the macro regional development goals, continuously strengthen the service function and economic trade; trade facilitation as the primary goal, continue to deepen trade services.
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    Environmental Regulation, Environmental Regulation Competition and Employment:An Analysis Based on Inter-provincial Spatial Durbin Model
    JIANG Yong
    2017 (05):  79-89. 
    Abstract ( 443 )   PDF (1331KB) ( 128 )  
    This paper examines the effects of environmental regulation and environmental regulation competition on employment based on the 2000-2014 Chinese provincial panel data by using spatial panel Durbin model. The results show that:(1) As a whole, strengthening environmental regulation can deteriorate the employment growth. In different regions, the effect of environmental regulation on employment is different. The greater strength of environmental regulation in the eastern regions has significant positive impact on employment, while the greater strength of environmental regulation in the central and western regions has negative impact on employment. (2) There exists the strategic environmental regulation competition among the local governments. From a national perspective, the environmental regulation competition among the local governments is mainly represented by "Race to Bottom" strategy. However, there exists difference among different regions. The environmental regulation competition in eastern regions is represented by the differential strategy, while the environmental regulation competition in central and western regions is characterized by "Race to Bottom" strategy. (3)Local environmental regulation competition has significant spatial spillover effects, and the relaxation of environmental regulation in a region will have a positive spillover effect on the employment of the neighboring region.
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    Industry 4.0 Drive:Empirical Research on Ownership Structure in manufacturing enterprise Intellectualized
    ZHUANG Lei, ZHAO Cheng-guo, ZHANG Chi
    2017 (05):  90-99. 
    Abstract ( 454 )   PDF (1023KB) ( 130 )  
    We research driving force of industrial intellectualized in an enterprise level from an investor point of view the structure, and analyze the impact of ownership structure on corporate investments on industrial intellectualized with the principal-agent theory. It researches empirically the relationship of ownership structure on business intelligence investment with the samples of Listed Companies in China. According to the empirical results, certain Shareholders perspective is necessary because the dominance is not conducive to business intelligence investment from ownership concentration; public companies are more willing to invest intelligently, the largest shareholder of a private individual is not willing to invest intelligently from the nature of enterprises; the relationship between executive compensation and intelligent investment is not clear, indicating that the current incentive compensation system is not reasonable from the perspective of executives' incentives; the more developed areas more receptive to business intelligence investment from a regional cultural perspective.
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    Non-farm Work Experience、Social Capital and Famer's Enjoyable Durable Goods Consumption
    LI Shu-liang
    2017 (05):  100-110. 
    Abstract ( 444 )   PDF (1131KB) ( 123 )  
    Based on 2013 CGSS data, study what the effect non-farm work experience will have on the famer's enjoyable level consumption of durable goods,taking into account the role of social capital. It is found that the non-farm work experience can affect famer's enjoyable level consumption of durable goods, and the effect is remarkable in the central area, but not in a remarkable way in the eastern area. The effect of social trust is greater than that of social norm、social participation in total. We should adjust measures to local conditions and enhance the famer's social net construction during working time, and broaden the peasant workers access to high quality、important information of the social network resources in order to expand the farmers' enjoyable level consumption of durable goods.
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